The School Kids program was started in 2008. This self-funded program is available to youth 15 to 19 years old, who are struggling to remain in school while faced with a desire or need to have an income.
The School Kids program is designed to promote three main positive choices in school. These choices include but are not limited to Attendance, Academics and Attitude. We call this AAA approach. In return Street Culture offers an allowance reward, an income that is not a wage; it is an allowance governed primary by the young person’s commitment to school; and secondly by following his or her Action plan. (A tool designed to identify measurable points of achievement in participant’s education, employment or relationships.)
Initially we meet with the referral and set school-based goals, while securing permission from the young person to be in contact with his or her teacher. This is for the purpose of following up on one’s goals. This is helpful during times when things are perhaps challenging and the participant is not looking to the positive.
As with all Action Plans, goals can evolve. We will revisit them periodically to ensure that they are in line with the interests of the participant.